Benzodiazepine Detox

Benzodiazepines (Benzos) such as Klonopin, Xanax, Valium and Ativan are potentially the most difficult of all drugs to stop taking. I specialize in guiding people through a comfortable slow taper.

Ashton Method and Customized Taper

I have used the Ashton method for benzodiazepine tapering for 10 years. I can use custom doses to provide small dose adjustments coupled with the appropriate length between each dose reduction. I often reduce the dose by less than 5 percent and adjust the rate at which we taper based on how you are feeling. My approach is to treat this as a marathon and not a sprint. While rapid benzodiazepine detoxes can work for some people, I find that most people require a more careful taper. I take a fluid approach and always prioritize your comfort while we navigate this process together. This will never be rushed or uncomfortable. It is imperative that this is done with precision accuracy and I will do that with every patient.


I create a slow, safe and customized protocol incorporating the following information: 

  1. How long have you been on medication

  2. The specific antidepressant, benzodiazepine, or psychiatric medication

  3. The dose of the medication

  4. You underlying psychiatric diagnosis 

  5. Other medications that can interfere with the taper

  6. Your physical health

  7. Your nutrition and diet 

  8. Your support structure (family, friends etc)

  9. Sleep quality

  10. Your obligations with work, family, school, and life