Rebecca Grace Rebecca Grace


Do you need medication, does your regimen need to be optimized or do you need to be weaned off of medication? I specialize in carefully choosing the lowest dose of the most effective medication when indicated or carefully weaning you off of medication that is no longer benefiting you.

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Sleep and Exercise
Rebecca Grace Rebecca Grace

Sleep and Exercise

Sleep is a foundational component of feeling better. I will make sure that you are sleeping well and any underlying causes of insomnia are addressed. I believe some component of movement and exercise is necessary to feel your best. I strategize with you how to incorporate the right amount and type of exercise into your regimen.

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Rebecca Grace Rebecca Grace


I look at nutrition, hydration, supplements, alcohol/drugs/caffeine. I integrate this as part of a plan to optimize how you feel. Nutrition is always a priority with supplements being integrated in as needed. I use tools such as elimination diets, ketogenic diets and whole 30 diets as tools to heal people physically. Each person is different and not one diet fits everyone.

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Underlying Medical Problems
Rebecca Grace Rebecca Grace

Underlying Medical Problems

I will look for any contributing underlying medical problems by looking carefully at your history, ordering labs and getting genetic testing. Examples include thyroid disease, hormone imbalance and autoimmune conditions

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Therapy and Ketamine Therapy
Rebecca Grace Rebecca Grace

Therapy and Ketamine Therapy

I take a somatic therapy approach to helping my patients with their stress and trauma. I also provide ketamine assisted therapy to help heal underlying trauma. I often collaborate with highly skilled trauma therapist experts to create a team.

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